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How To Tackle Negative Online Reviews

  • 02 March - 2022

Most consumers who complain online, as in real life, want to be heard. Before attempting to address a situation, sympathize with the reviewer and apologize. Don't criticize.

Explain your understanding of the problem and offer steps to rectify the situation. By showing empathy and offering solutions, many times, you can persuade a client to alter their view and transform a negative into a positive.

Promote Your Company's Favorable Image Tactfully

Explain why the guest's experience is unusual in truthful and non-condescending terms. Include some of your company's qualities in your response if appropriate. Replies are an excellent opportunity to flip the script and depict your company in a favorable light—while still making the client feel heard.

Be Genuine And Personable

You never want to come off as though you're reading from a script. When responding to bad reviews, use your actual name (or first name and last initial), describe your job at the company.

Take It Off The Internet

To prevent an online conversation that everyone can see, always leave a genuine, well-thought-out public remark and then take the interaction offline. Sincerity is essential when responding to bad evaluations. Reaching out to a consumer on a human basis is the simplest approach to be authentic.

A single poor review (or a few) will not always turn off a prospective consumer. That is, of course, assuming everything is done right. Nevertheless, it is something that all businesses must deal with at some point. Keep monitoring online reviews and reply to them promptly.

To learn more, contact digital marketing agency 247LiveIT today for a free consultation at 877-382-0922 or go to

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